I am a user of the Terminus Cityslicker laptop backpack, and I must confess that I have no regret buying it. Previously, I used the Swissgear brand bag that was bought in China. Though the price is more competitive than Terminus, the quality is not up to that standard.

One of the features that I am impressed with this bag is the lightweight feeling when carrying on my shoulder. The bag by itself, with all its contents such as laptop, charger, bottle, and other accessories is quite heavy. I would say mine easily weighs about 5~6 kg. However, when I carry it on my shoulder, it just felt light and I can feel the weight is distributed towards the upper and lower back portion. This is why the area is padded quite heavily and shaped according to the body contour. What seems heavy on the hand, doesn't feel so on the shoulder.

In my previous bag, I had a problem of inner lining material falling off after a while. From time to time, you will feel that all your stuff is covered with tiny bits of mesh. This happened for bag with the inner layer laminated with water-proof material. Over time, they will become deteriorated. However, this doesn't happen in Terminus because the internal compartment and pockets are lined with Nylon fabric material that also provides water proofing.
One of the interesting thoughts the designer put into this bag is the rain cover. This is very useful for people in Malaysia, especially in KL and PJ where people often commute using public transport or parking almost 400 to 500 meters away from their office. Even a decent umbrella is not big enough to cover the poor gal from getting either their body or bag wet. This is when the rain cover comes handy and helpful.
Ladies, especially like their bag to be able to carry a lot of things. This is applicable also to guys who are often on the go with their laptop bag. You will be surprised that this Terminus bag comes with 16 compartments in total for you to put all your stuff from laptop to thumbdrive. They are so cool, even the shoulder pad has a compartment for your iPod on both sides.
Terminus Cityslicker Laptop Backpack comes in 3 color scheme, plus a free Netbook and iPad Sleeve. It fits to become a modern must-have accessory for the new generation knowledge workers.
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